Friday, April 15, 2011

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine???

In my Bible reading this morning, I read Exodus 16-19. If you have never read it before, it is during the time that Moses is taking the Israelites out of Egypt into a better land. This journey is no piece of cake. In fact, in an earlier chapter, they have to cross the Red Sea while being pursued by an Army of Egyptians! I, however, have a BIG problem with the behavior of the Israelites in the last few chapters I read. For one thing, they are so whiny! I mean, I know that crossing the Red Sea is not easy but at least (Thanks to God) they got to cross it on dry land. I mean, if I saw a sea separate into two walls of water with a dry pathway for me to walk across, I would be pretty amazed....and thankful, especially if I was being pursued by an army of Egyptians! So then they get across the Red Sea and everyone is praising God. Then they go a little further into the desert and they become thirsty.....fair enough, right? Well, instead of remembering the miracle they just witnessed, and asking God for some water, they start whining and complaining and telling Moses that he should have left them to die in Egypt......really, people??? So our loving God tells Moses that he hears the people's groaning and then instructs Moses to perform another miracle. After that, the people were happy and praising God....until they became hungry. Groan, whine, groan, whine...."Moses should have left us to die"....and then there is another miracle. Food literally falls from the sky! So, I ask myself, why couldn't these people just see that God was in control and all they needed to do was trust Him and ask for what they needed. And there it hit me. I am the same way! I go through life praising God for all the good in my life. But when one thing goes wrong, I lose faith and begin to whine and groan, just like the Israelites. I forget, during hard times, that God is in control of everything. And if he can rain food from the sky and part the Red Sea, then he can handle the small mishaps in my life as well. Thank you, God, for reminding me of that.

1 comment:

  1. Cassie,
    Thank you for this entry into your blog. It really hit home.I have had God work so many miracles in my life and prepared me ahead of time for them, even though I didn't realize it at the time. If wish we could all take the down times in our lives and realize they are lessons to learn and have faith. We all need reminders of who is in control, and we also need to be thankful at all times. I am looking forward to reading all of your entries.
