Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Fairy God Monster

The other day, Jordan and I thought it would be a good idea to walk to the commissary from my house (keep in mind it is only a mile and a half away). Well, it turned out to not be such a good idea, after all. The whole way there, she cried and fussed about her legs being tired. She ended up wanting to push her bike rather than ride it most of the way. So what should have been about a 20 minute walk one way, turned into a 45 minute walk one way. On the way back, the chain on Jordan's bike came off. The rain clouds were forming in the sky, and I was frazzled! All I wanted to do was get home! I contemplated leaving her bike there and coming back to get it with the car later, but she did not like that idea. So, being desperate to beat the rain, I picked her bike up and began carrying it while she ran along beside me. Here is the picture....I am pushing a stroller with one hand, carrying a bike with the other and my 4 year old is bawling crying, literally running to keep up. It was a disaster! Cars zoomed past, people probably laughing at us from within. Then our fairy god monster arrived! Literally! A Monster Energy Drink semi pulled over on the side of the road, out jumped a Monster delivery man to our rescue. He fixed Jordan's bike for me in less than 2 minutes. I was so thankful...I still am! What a good Samaritan. He didn't have to stop...he was in rout on deliveries. But he DID stop. He stopped, and helped, and I am so grateful. I decided that I was a true Monster fan from now on. He was our fairy god monster! So....if you are at the store looking for an energy drink, pick up a Monster!!!

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