Monday, May 30, 2011


For all those who have been wondering or worrying, we were not near the big tornado that hit Joplin, MO last week. We are actually about 3 hours east of Joplin. My heart is broken for those people, though. The stories I have heard make my stomach twist into knots. Havign something that big and devastating hit so close to home has woken me up and made me realize how suddenly everyting in know and love could be gone. It could happen to us, here in Fort Leonard Wood, just as it happened to them. Everyday is precious. Every minute I get to spend with my kids and husband is priceless. There are people in Joplin, MO, right now who would give everything for just one more minute with their lost loved ones.

Last week, on the last day of school, I was in line to pick up Regan. It was raining and the skys were dark. It began to hail and the tornado sirens started going off. I was so scared. I was in my car with my baby and my 4 year old, and all I could think of was, "what the hell am I going to do if a tornado comes my way". Then I saw other people getting out of their cars and running into the school. So I followed them. I got Jordan and Grayson out of the car and ran with them across the parking lot into the building. My heart was pounding in my throat the whole time. When I got into the school everyone was in a bit of a panic. Mom's and dads were looking for their children. The kids were all lined up against the walls in a duck and cover position. I found Regan and sat next to her. Thankfully, the tornado that caused the alarms to sound didn't do any damage. I was glad to be safe inside the school with my kids at the time.

These things are scary. In 10 short minutes a whole town can be destroyed by a tornado! My heart and prayers are with everyone in Joplin. I pray that God wraps his arms around these people and comforts them as they learn to cope and heal. I will cherish every minute that I get with my loved ones, and I will try to (an I encourage you to try to) remember everyday to not take one single minute for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Theresa FairclothMay 31, 2011 at 4:32 AM

    Cassie, that is so scary! I was very relieved to hear that you guys weren't effected by the Joplin tornado. I even called Callie to ask her if she had heard from you because I was worried! My heart breaks for the people in Joplin, that is the worst devastation I have ever seen and I can only see it online, I can't imagine what it's like in person. I am deathly scared of tornados and I freak out anytime we get a warning. The good thing for you guys though, is that you have sirens...We don't!
