Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fat Tuesday

Every Tuesday, I am going to blog about my weight loss progress...I'm calling it Fat Tuesday! Since having Grayson in December, I have lost nothing other than the actual baby weight (i.e. baby, fluids, etc. etc.). To be honest, I haven't really tried very hard. I keep going on little binge diets where I lose 5-10 lbs. and then I go off and instantly those 5-10 lbs. are back. I have not been exercising frequently enough at all, either. So, I vowed, this week, to start exercising daily, and watching what I eat. Pound by pound it WILL fall off...it may take a few months, it may take a year...either way, it will come off. I also decided to post my weight AND a picture of myself. If you know me, you KNOW that is a HUGE step for me. But, I decided that I am going to stop pretending and lying about my weight! The truth will set me free...right!!!

So far, this week, the diet part has been hard, though, I have been more aware of what and how much I was eating. Monday and Tuesday were both really good workout days. Tomorrow I plan on going running with FIT (a workout ministry at my church). Next Tuesday, I will have a better update for you since I REALLY just started this on Monday. For now, I will focus on staying with it and we'll see, next Tuesday, how much weight I will have (hopefully) lost in a week!

My current weight is 200 lbs....YIKES!

Next Tuesday I plan to be 197

My weight loss goal is 50lbs, making my goal weight 150 lbs.

Week 1 (May 10, 2011)


  1. I feel for you. I had my first back in June and I lost the weight I gained in my pregnancy but I had been wanting to loose weight before I got pregnant to begin with. I have been much to lazy about it and have been enjoying the sweets a bit too much. I just blogged about it myself and how I am trying to change what I eat and how much I eat.

    Good Luck.

  2. Theresa FairclothMay 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM

    Cassie, you are awesome for having the courage to talk about your weight and even more for posting a pic! Apparently, I was meant to read your blog today bc I just admitted to myself last night how much I have let myself go since having my kids and I am at my biggest right now...right before summer, ugh. I just called around to some weight loss clinics here and they are crazy expensive so please fill me in on how you are doing this as I was to tag-along with whatever works! Good luck :)

  3. It took everything I had but I told my husband that if I post a picture that I, and the whole wolrd will look at, I can stop pretending that I am not overweight. I have a friend here who did Weight Watchers points and lost 50 lbs. in like 8 months. It seems like a long time, but I think about it and Grayson is ALREADY 5 months! So had I started this after he was born, I'd almost be done! Right now I am working out the kinks...I dont want to crash diet bc I dont want it to all just come back on. I want this to be for real...for good! So I plan on counting weight watchers points but only using my daily points...I am not going to use the bonus points that you get everyweek. I am also not going to add extra points to my diet for workouts. I want my workouts to burn stuff off I will reward myself with other things for those...not food! I am also going to run. When I ran before I was in great shape (in looks and in health. Anyway I would love to have accountability partners, we can keep each other motivated, encouraged, and share ideas. I'll tell you my secrets if you tell me yours ;)!

  4. I'm so proud of you!! My biggest help in my weight loss was eat half and heathy snacks so you don't get hungery and make bad decisions. Got your girls to work out with you too! It's good for them too!!

  5. Today was difficult. One thing about myself is I am an emotional eater (this is a HUGE problem!) And today was a bit of an emotional day...dont ask me why, bc I don't really know....that being said...tomorrow is a new day! I'll keep you posted. ;)

  6. I applaud your courage in posting your weight, picture, and goals. I struggle with weight issues, but no because of having a child. My husband and I went through a period where we were short on funds so crappy foods came into the picture. Obesity runs in my family and while I have begrudgingly admit I have let myself go some, I don't want to end up like my parents. I'm glad I am not the only military wife struggling with this issue. Perhaps your courage will give me the strength to post my weight as well.

